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The pods represent potential for new growth and transformation. I isolated the pods, which I gathered during my travels, on a white background and presented them as sculptural objects. Their large scale endow them with symbolic power. They act like icons in a campaign for the survival of life on our planet.



Like a whirling dance or a stroke by a calligraphy master, the Europium seed’s movement creates powerful gestures that touch me deeply. I find myself “drawing" with the seeds and their shadows like a choreographer of a dance.

The seeds, delicate, yet tenacious qualities, reveal the fragility and strength of Nature. 


During a visit to a concert venue in Aspen, Colorado, I was struck by a way in which shadows of Aspen trees were projected on a reception canvas tent. The shadows created a lyrical play of shapes and textures on the tent’s surface. They appear so graceful, elegant, and elusive in the changing evening light. For a brief moment, the shadows of the Aspen trees turned an ordinary canvas structure into a space of sanctity and beauty.

White Canvas with leaf

Drought represents an emotional space. It is a place where light and shadows co-exist. A dream space that is out-worldly and disorienting; where the components are delicate,  translucent, yet act as barriers, gates and passages.


Acid Rain is a visual expression of the rituals I perform in the Bay Area’s creeks. In these rituals I bind together freshly cut flowers and objects and float them in the creeks as healing offerings. These poetic visual scenes bring to light the profound beauty of the creeks as well as the decay and pollution that threaten them. 


Bloom is a series of vignettes made up by floating freshly cut flowers in a disintegrated gold-leafed glass bowl. The flowers’ sensual quality and vivid colors were placed against the decayed glass bowl. The bowl’s continued disintegration and imperfection provided me a rich background to these vignettes.   

Stones & Trees

Stones & Trees is a body of layered images that I have placed together with photographs, paintings and objects. Some objects are found; some are made specifically for ritual purposes. In this process, I layer images together until meaning imerged to me, much as it does when performing a ritual of altar building in shamanic ceremonies.   

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